2,885 research outputs found

    Media Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini

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    Ulumul Hadis

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    Belajar Dan Pembelajaran

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    Pendidikan Pra Sekolah

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    Urban Sufism: Membangun Kecerdasan Spiritual Masyarakat Perkotaan Era Modern

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    This study aims to explore the role of Sufism in building the spiritual intelligence of urban communities in the modern era. With increasing urbanization and the pressures of modern life, there is an urgent need to strengthen the dimension of spirituality in the urban context. Sufism, as a branch within Islam that emphasizes developing an individual's relationship with God through introspection and meditation, is emerging as a promising approach in meeting this need. This research will use a qualitative approach by conducting a literature review of relevant works in the fields of Urban Sufism, spiritual intelligence, and urban life. The sources used include books, journals, articles, and related academic writings. Thematic analysis will be used to identify key themes emerging in the relevant literature. The results of this study get three points, namely: Awakening of Spirituality and the Phenomenon of Urban Sufism, Spiritual Intelligence in Transpersonal Psychology and Efforts to Increase Spiritual Intelligence in Urban Sufism

    Peer Review Kurikulum menuju KKNI: Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini (PIAUD)

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    Analisis Wacana Nasionalisme Dalam Novel Penakluk Badai Karya Aguk Irawan Mn

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    Nasionalisme merupakan isu yang sangat krusial di republik ini, di mana nasionalisme tidak lagi berfungsi sebagai alat pemersatu, karena kurangnya rasa memiliki terhadap bangsa Indonesia dan ada beberapa pihak maupun kelompok yang mengatasnamakan nasionalisme untuk kepentingannya, serta lunturnya semangat dari pancasila yang pada gilirannya membawa bangsa pada perpecahan dan berbagai isu negatif lainnya. Seorang sastrawan muslim Aguk Irawan MN menuangkan gagasannya tentang fenomena nasionalisme lewat sebuah novel berjudul Penakluk Badia. Novel ini mengambil latar kebangkitan dan cikal bakal negara bangsa bernama Indonesia pada masa prakemerdekaan, dan menceritakan bagaimana membibitnya pergerakan nasional mula-mula yang diawali oleh para kiai (ulama). Berdasarkan hal tersebut penulis tertarik untuk membongkar lebih dalam lagi isi dari novel tersebut, sehingga yang menjadi rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana wacana nasionalisme diwacanakan dalam novel Penakluk Badai karya Aguk Irawan MN?. Penulis berharap secara teoritis penelitian ini dapat menjadi referensi tambahan sekaligus bahan pembanding bagi penelitian-penelitian sejenis lainnya tentang media massa dan poduksi wacana media. Kemudian secara praktis dapat memberikan wacana baru tentang pentingnya peran kritik, saran, dan pesan dalam sebuah karya sastra novel bagi dunia sastra di Indonesia dan juga sebagai bahan untuk membangun kesadaran tentang pentingnya nasionalisme dalam bernegara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis wacana model Halliday, model ini mencakup tiga unit penelitian yaitu medan wacana, pelibat wacana dan mode wacana. Adapun hasil penelitian penulis terhadap tiga unit analisis model Halliday ini yaitu medan wacana berkaitan dengan pendidikan bagi kaum pribumi dan perlawan terhadap kolonialisme. Pelibat wacana, Aguk melibatkan tokoh-tokoh yang berperan penting dalam proses kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia seperti Kiai Hasyim Asy’ari, Soekarno, Moh. Hatta, Soedirman dan Abdul Wahid Hasyim. Sedangkan mode wacana, secara umum bersifat instruktif, naratif dan persuasif. English Nationalism is a crucial issue in this republic, where nationalism does not have function as unity tool, because of less carrying to Indonesia itself and there are a few people or groups who underline the nationalism for their own importance, and also because of the pancasila fading spirit which then breinging this nation into separation and all of others issues. A moslem literate Aguk Irawan MN, spent his idea about nationalism phenomenon through novel entitled Penakluk Badai the novel took a setting at rising and base of the nation of Indonesia on pre-independence period and telling about how were the national movement started by the Islamic leader. Based on those things, the writer interested in exposing deeply the content of the novel, so the problem of thr study is about how was the nationalism discourse which discoursed in Penakluk Badai novel by Aguk Irawan MN? The writer hoped this study theoretically can give additional references and also as comparison to other similar studies about mass media and discourse production. Then practically can give new discourse about the importance of critics, suggestion and message roles in a novel literature in Indonesia and also as material to build the awareness of nationalism importance in stated. The method of this study was discourse analisys method based on Halliday model, where this model involved three units of study such as discourse site, discourseinvolvement, and discourse mode. So hten the result of the writer’s study to three analysis unit of Halliday model were the discourse site related to the natives’ education an the fight to colonialism. Discourse involvement, Aguk involved some characters who has importance role to the independence process of Indonesia Republic such as Hasyim As’ari, Soekarno, Moh. Hatta, Soedirman, and Abdul Wahid Hasyim. While the discourse mode, generally can be mentioned instructive, narrative, and persuasiv

    Teaching speaking using the Fishbowl Technique

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    This research was intended to improve students’ speaking ability by using the Fishbowl Technique. It was done at MAS Misbahul Ulum in Lhokseumawe, Aceh. The subject of the research was the second year students of class XI-IPA C consisting of 33 students. It was done as a form of classroom action research. Some problems in  speaking classes are: 1) the teacher’s way of teaching is still not effective to stimulate and motivate students to speak up in the classroom; 2) students tend to get bored easily and lose their interest in trying to speak well; 3) the teacher often gets frustrated when many students do not want to speak in front of the class; 4) many students are afraid to make mistakes, to be laughed at or to be identified as stupid. The results were presented and analyzed as qualitative data. The mean score of the students in cycle 1 was 68, in cycle 2 it increased to 73, and in cycle 3 it rose to 82.54% of students were activities in cycle 1, 69% in cycle 2, and 94% in cycle 3. The activities of the researcher was 55% in cycle 1, 75% in cycle 2, and 88% in cycle 3. The students had positive responses which was proved by the overall mean score of 3.56 for the five factors measured

    Islam, Psikologi dan Konseling

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    Tinjauan tentang kondisi psikologis seorang tersang- ka pelaku tindak kriminal dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan oleh seorang hakim dalam memutuskan suatu perkara. Upaya-upaya pakar pendidikan dalam menghasil- kan inovasi pembelajaran yang maksimal, tentu juga perlu memperhatikan kondisi psikologis peserta didik tahap per- kembangan IQ, EQ dan ESQ. Begitu juga bidang sosial, ekonomi, politik dan lainnya yang juga tak bisa lepas dari peranan ilmu psikologi dan konseling. Hal ini dikarenakan ilmu psikologi sudah menjadi kebutuhan di semua lini kehidupan masyarakat, sehingga untuk memenuhi kebu- tuhan itu diperlukan jasa konseling yang kemudian ber- kembang menjadi profesi dan disiplin tersendiri

    Pengembangan kognitif anak usia dini

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